Check out Save the Poudre's video on Thornton's Pipeline. Director Gary Wockner, PhD, gives a great explanation.
“I would hope the project would come back significantly different than it is today – and we will need to go through the process again – and there better be (significant changes).”
On Criteria 2 of 1041 application, concerning public outreach
“We are talking about the public process – it is important and critical and Thornton has sadly missed the boat”
“If you live in LarimerI ask what is the benefit to Larimer County? I tend to think that the balance isn’t there.”
“I recommend that you sit down with staff and improve the public process,
make sure we include the people on these alternative routes.</strong>
Let’s do with Douglas Road people and people on County Road 56 what was done with Eagle Lake and let’s see if we can come up with something that has a high level of public acceptance…”
“Even in the presentation tonight one of the things I saw was that once it is permitted (you said) then we will sit down and go through the public process. That’s backwards. Go through the public process first and then come back and ask for the permit.”
“I don’t want to deny you the water. My job is to protect the citizens of Larimer County. I’m open to Thornton working with staff and more importantly, citizens.”
“You did a good job working with Eagle Lake but the public process appeared to break down when you started looking at Douglas Road.”
To the Mayor of Thornton: “Your staff went to your Council with several alternatives, we saw one of them, or variations of one of them here tonight. I think your Council
acted in perfect accord to the duty they have to the citizens of
Your Council looked at all of those alternatives and you asked which one
gives us the best quantity or water, the best quality, the most economical and what is best for the citizens of Thornton. That is exactly what I would do if I were on the Council of Thornton or the Mayor of Thornton.
We, because of our 1041 powers, have a slightly different duty. We have a duty to the citizens of Larimer County…. Not surprisingly, sometimes we will come up with different opinions on what the best alternatives for our citizens as compared to your citizens. I think that is clearly where we are tonight.”
"You said in your rebuttal document that the quantity of water would be diminished. That’s not in my criteria. You said the quality of water would be diminished. That’s not in my criteria.
You said the cost would be higher. That’s not in my criteria. The net effect is that Thornton would have to come up with better water treatment which you have the capability of accomplishing.
I understand that is not optimal but it is reasonable. It seems to me that you have figured out how to do this and it sure has less impact on my constituents."
“I don’t need more information on this option – I don’t think this meets
our criteria – I need other alternatives and other options that better
meets our criteria….I think that is a better way to go. Proceedurally,
there needs to be a lot more public input.”
On the Poudre Alternative
One of the alternatives you presented to your Council was the Poudre River Alternative…. I do not accept your premise that the 1041 powers can’t cause, either through your actions or the deciding body’s action, a change in water diversion. But the alternative you presented to your Council doesn’t even require that.
The alternative you presented to your Council, diverted water from your current diversion point, used the two reservoirs that the storage company is very interested in and ran a pipe down Shields and put the water the Poudre River…. NISP is publicly talking about taking the water out at East Mulberry ahead of the water treatment plant and they have said taking it out there is much better quality than taking it out further down and that might be an option for you.
Larimer County staff conducted a public engagement process to find and record residents' views on future proposed water projects -- Thornton and NISP.
Click the button below to read the summary.
Address: P.O. Box 2465, Fort Collins, CO 80522 Copyright © 2020 Stop Thornton's Pipe Dream - All Rights Reserved
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